• Sponsored Napkin vending machine costing around Rs 22000 and for painting of girls waiting room to SDGS College, Hindupur on 19/09/2018 in the presence of prof. Sudhakar(SKO), College principal and staff.
  • Celebrated International women’s day at Parigi Regional Educational center. 140 lady teachers, revenue, medical and police staff participated along with mandal revenue officer Smt. Jareena Begam, mandal Educational officer Smt. Lakshmidevi, Dr. Anuradha and Parigi SI Sri Shiva. All the participants were officially honoured with sarees followed by lunch.
  • Sponsored food and clothes to small children of Anganavadi school centres 1 and 2 in memory of baby Divya in the presence of Anganavadi supervisor Smt. Vijaya.
  • Sponsoring food to pregnant women at Govt. Hospital during medical camp conducted every Friday for a year (costing Rs 2300 per week).
  • Sponsored 30 police uniforms (Rs1700 each) to staff at Parigi Police station in the presence of Parigi SI Sri Shiva.
  • Sponsored Napkin vending machine costing around Rs 22000, Rs 5000 for maintenance of the same and Rs 10000 to help in competitive exams to NSPR Wonens degree college, Hindupur in the presence of Sri Viswanath (MRO), Sri K Sudarshan (Govt. Advocate), principal Sri Shankraiah and staff on the occasion of Gandhi vardhanti.
  • Sponsored 20000 to Govt High school at Amidalagundi near Madakasira for goddess saraswathi statue.


Divya Educational & Charitable Trust(Regd.)